Planning Committee Meeting
Do you want to help us plan our 200th Birthday Party? We will be meeting every Saturday morning at 11 a.m., from now until our Bicentennial Celebration Weekend.
Our Civil War Encampment is not cancelled.
Civil War Reenactors will have an encampment in the Village park all weekend long. This is an encampment only. No firearms will be allowed in the park. Please visit the encampment to learn about what it was like to live during the Civil War -- our participants welcome your questions and are willing to share our important history with you.
Parade Participants Wanted
Community organizations, businesses, musical groups, marching bands, and more -- please join us as The Town of Hume celebrates its 200th birthday. We welcome your participation in our parade on September 10, 2022. We are asking that you pre-register for this event so we can acknowledge and announce your entry during the parade.
Line up begins at 9:30 a.m. at Fillmore Central School
Parade Theme: Celebrating The Decades
Memorial Day 1908
In Honor of all those who have served from the Town of Hume.
Civil War Veterans returning from an encampment in Letchworth State Park on Memorial Day 1908.